
24-hour access to Laurencin Personal Physicians by phone or through the patient portal.
All members of the practice will be able to access their primary care doctor day or night, 7 days a week. During office hours from 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM on weekdays, our dedicated office staff will direct your call. After hours and on weekends, an answering service will direct your call to the appropriate physician on call.

Same-day or next business day appointments
We will make every possible effort to see you the same day you call if you wish; in any event, you will not need to wait more than a business day for non- urgent visits. Most urgent visits can be scheduled for the same day.

Appointment scheduling with early morning or evening appointments available upon request
We recognize that our patients may need appointments at particular times and we can gladly accommodate those requests.

House calls or worksite visits whenever medically necessary.

Sometimes you may feel too ill to be seen in the office. When appropriate, your doctor will see you at your house. If space and privacy permit, we can see you at your worksite as well.

Attendance at an appointment with a specialist if necessary.

Occasionally, having your primary care doctor present to communicate directly with the specialists can be invaluable when complex courses of treatment or medical options are discussed.

Practice Coordinator assigned to each member for personalized assistance.

A Practice Coordinator works closely with your doctor to ensure that you receive prompt and responsive service from our practice. They are available to coordinate any special health needs you have and to reinforce and extend the health recommendations of your doctor.

A comfortably designed office with healthy refreshments and wireless access available.
Our specially designed office emphasizes comfort, privacy, and convenience. Healthy snacks are always available.